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down? science says read, go gardening or have sex

happiness is most close when you read. after that you can best go gardening to be happy and finally, having sex cheers you up too. but i know books that can make me utterly sad. gardening can make you sad too, when you see the plants dying in autumn and winter or when it is raining too much. and sex? well to be honest you sleep well on it but as an ultimate remedy for a dip, no, not for me. my recipe to wipe out that dip is to start making something, to do something that has to be done, to go outside, or like last weekend, to bring my son at half past six to a rowing-course and watch the rowers do their best in the early morning hours.
image from the hungry little girl blog at

and what to think of drinking something hot, like strong decaf or rooibos tea, taking a chocolate or a cacao bean and almond. or what to think of eating an egg, a banana or strawberries. they seem to be stimulating for your dopamine content. and dopamine helps us to feel peaceful and happy.

other people go for increasing the serotonine content of their body by the foods at the image to the right.

so don't be sad. google how to be happy by movement, work, food, reading or anything else and go for it. the art of living is too much a challenge to ignore.

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