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let love rule

life takes turns, sometimes unforeseen, sometimes planned, sometimes both. challenge is to change with life and keep strong and happy. easy said though. so your life takes a big turn with kids, life is in a stormy unforeseen weather and both parents have to cope but above all have to keep up a relationship. do you take holidays together without kids, do you support each other if you differ in emotions and decisions, or do you flee away in living from day to day and maybe losing what was once yours.

what is a relationship?

1. a connection, association, or involvement.
2. connection between persons by blood or marriage; kinship.
3. an emotional or other connection between people.
4. a romantic or sexual involvement.

if you take the last choice in live, flee away in everyday life and let yourself flow with the stream, the second definition still keeps up, you are still related, married maybe. definition 1 is also partly still standing, you are connected, but involved? and then definition 3, how emotional is the connection compared to what used to be. romance is probably something you already forgot due to lack of time, lack of effort.

what you then need are tips to revive your relationship because what you had is too precious to let go, just because you are busy or tired:

  1. you can become more securely attached, or connected, to your partner by developing a deeper friendship. spend more time with each other doing something you both enjoy. regularly ask for updates on your partner’s likes, dislikes, current stressors, and new interests, as people change over time.
  2. continue to actively appreciate your partner like you did when you met.
  3. stay positive about each other, do not let the negative thoughts rule.
  4. find common goals to work on together.
  5. be involved and accessible
these are only some of the many tips one can find on the internet. only to read them makes us conscious that we have a life we can give turns, that does not per se rules us. we can rule life and let love rule. let us do it.

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