did you ever hear of mud dyed textile that they use for making kimono's on a japanese island.
i never heard of this. they dye the silk with prune pulp for sometimes 30 times to get a deep purple. and after that, they put the silk in the mud to get a reaction between the iron in the mud and the colored silk, thus becoming a deep chocolate brown color.
but the work does not stop there. they split the textile into separate threads, that will be woven in special patterns.
one kimono takes sometimes a year from start to finish.
what a craftmanship.
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i never heard of this. they dye the silk with prune pulp for sometimes 30 times to get a deep purple. and after that, they put the silk in the mud to get a reaction between the iron in the mud and the colored silk, thus becoming a deep chocolate brown color.
but the work does not stop there. they split the textile into separate threads, that will be woven in special patterns.
one kimono takes sometimes a year from start to finish.
what a craftmanship.
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