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to fail or not to fail: classroom management

so i am a disaster. a teacher to be, not being able to handle difficult classes. not really a good start for a new career. why are these kids so negative, so searching for trouble, so rebellious in a destructive way. i must confess, i am not the most structured teacher. i am flexible and organised but not very-structured. live is not structured in my opinion. live should be lived disciplined, flexible and creative; friendly, social and organised.

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searching for an answer how to handle these classes, i came upon structured lessons, being severe, not allowing any exceptions, not really my way of handling. i am severe, but in a way that i want students to take their own responsibility. i think they should be able to handle exceptions, changes and surprises. i want them to enjoy lessons, because they have a goal. dream on, my dear.

next step: crying, no. shouting, no. giving up, i have to. students have a right to have good lessons, and i cannot give them good lessons if they keep on talking and more during the lessons. i cannot turn my back without getting a mess in the classroom.

second next step: reviewing my career. especially in difficult classes teachers are needed. if i cannot handle them, the point of becoming a teacher for me is gone. i wanted to help at least one student per class to see his aim in life and go for it. even the social, kind students, do not listen to me. to be taken seriously you have to gain a basic atmosphere in the classroom. there i fail.

third next step: what do i do right and can i earn money with. this part is difficult. i am strong in being at home, organizing the family and living sustainable. mmm. obviously i have to work on this point. i doubt if i am excellent in anything. maybe in just messing around?

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