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exercise with post concussion syndrome treatment

i never heard of the post concussion syndrome (pcs), until my son had a (light) concussion for the fourth time and had already twice been at home for three months, with severe pain and headache.
you can imagine, we were desperate, the fourth time and luckily, the doctor gave it a new name and i could search the internet for treatment.
as rest (the first period of three months) did not work fast, and rest combined with a painkiller scheme (the second period) neither bring much relieve and now i read that exercise and moving could not make it worse (our big fear), we decided to physical therapy (after consulting the doctor for consent).
i choose remedial therapy (cesar and mensendieck) as they give pain therapy too.
the therapist gave a scheme of rest, exercise and just doing things he liked, but not rest, to relax and strengthen the neck muscles.

and how happy we were, that after a few weeks instead of a few months, my son was happy and almost painless again.

a theory behind this therapy is that human cells do not regenerate in rest. so the same counts for other ailments like osteoarthritis. our body needs movement to heal.

but whatever the reason was that it worked, i want to spread the knowledge we now have, as not much is certain about pcs treatment.

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