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teaching good, better, best

being a teacher is nowadays a challenge according to a lot of people. today the big strike in the netherlands has to lead to more teachers, less pressure and stress and a better payment.

of course it is a challenge being a teacher, but i think it is also a blessing. being trusted with the education of other people means someone trusts you to be able to teach them something, something they can use later on in their lives.

two years ago, i was still being educated in teaching and met my first failure in education. that is the hard part, not being able to handle every student and class. for a lot of teachers, these failures and the time pressure are the reasons to search for another job, no longer in education.

teachers are different and not every student or class fits. like all people teachers also keep learning from live, from science, from books, from other teachers, from news items and from their students. so maybe the students you weren't able to teach previously, will be able to learn from you five years later. being a teacher is thus a challenging job, but also grateful. we should teach teachers not to quit with one or two failures, but to be coached and trained and to search for another teaching environment to try again.

when i look at the pressure we experience as a teacher, i do think it could be less. the administration has indeed grown over the years, while hours of teaching have not been diminished. and there are a lot of teachers needed to fulfill all the available jobs. probably if teachers get better paid, they will experience less pressure on their spare time by the administrative tasks and more teachers can be acquired, thus diminishing the shortage of teachers en diminishing the work load.

but if the better payment is not achieved, lets focus on putting the right teacher at the right spot. i am convinced for every teacher, students are somewhere awaiting to be taught by him or her. if the will to teach is there, only the right student has to be found.

invest in education

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