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burkinis forbidden, think again

women's bathing suit ca. 1888
photo by missouri history museum on flickr
did you believe the news about burkinis being forbidden at french beaches? be happy that those women who choose to wear that, visit a beach. it is not long ago that women in europe used to wear things that resemble burkinis, accept for the headscarves. but even those resemble the swim caps to protect the hair. and what did i see last weekend at a beach in ouddorp (south holland, the netherlands). a lot of mothers and grandmothers enjoying the beach with their kids in bikini and swimming pants, but they themselves kept on their neat blue skirt and white shirt. they do that for their christian believe. should they be obliged to undress at the beach or keep away from it. no !! everyone should wear at a beach what feels right. be happy with the variation and just enjoy the sand, the sea, the wind, the playing kids.

just imagine being banned from the beach because you can not proof you only wear clothes at the beach in the summer because you have some sun allergy, or you are ashamed of your white skin, or you use medicine that forbid to much sun on your skin?

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