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the power of five, last book, called oblivion. if you are amazed and shocked about all the things we do to each other, all the wars and quarrels that keep on going forever. if you do not have a religion and search for the truth of live anyway, you may like to read book series like harry potter (the power of love), the rick riordan books (the power of gods and monsters and the heroes) or the power of five by anthony horowitz. they are children's books, so they have the positive energy in it that is inherent to youth and they have an explanation of the truth of life. not too serious but still they stimulate your imagination and give some comfort.
evil powers and bad habits and feelings are inherent to human nature, but keep on fighting for the positive outcome of fights and struggles is their story. stay active and an activist for ideals or support others if they are stronger, but do not sleep or slumber on. do not search the oblivion of sleep and habits.
do not be too sad because of this human nature. let us not make ourselves into machines and ideal clones. maybe somewhere there is a world with a more clever race, who live in peace and happiness, but we are human and will stay like this unless we destroy ourselves.
we should always remember the positive energy of youth and try to revive it our whole live, through all our pain, worries, misfortunes, quarrels and wars.

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