david brooks, columnist of the new york times, recently wrote about the happiness of elders. while we fear the elderness because of the disabilities, the old body and mind, it seems we have nothing to fear and worry. because at that time we do not fear and worry so much anymore, but will just feel happy.
ok, i thought. i have to act like a elder and be happy. the tips:
1. bifocalism: look at live from different perspectives
2. lightness: be at ease with the downsides of life. anxiety is a waste of time.
3. balance tensions: the difference between the severe parents and the relaxed grand-parents. act by wisdom from many experiences.
4. intuitive awareness of the landscape of reality, empathy and pattern awareness: this is only acquired by a lifetime of intellectual effort.
so. to conclude. tips 1 and 2 i should be able to manage now. but for 3 and 4 i really have to age and wait for the ultimate happiness when i am eighty. wow. that is something to look forward to and not to fear.
i wish i was eighty already. no, just kidding. i still have to worry, experience and life for years before i can be eighty and happy.
if you want to read and interpret the column yourself: to 'why elders smile'
marcel roijaards heeft een prachtig, meeslepend verhaal geschreven met zijn boek rebel met vleugels. hij heeft de dramatische mythe omgetoverd tot een positief en vrolijk carpe diem en liefdes- en vriendschapsverhaal. inventief is de manier waarop het verhaal verteld wordt door middel van een verboden voordracht in het openluchttheater. de gevoelens zijn herkenbaar, de woorden zijn beeldend en het verhaal van icarus is aantrekkelijk en meeslepend. meer over het boek op de website van marcel roijaards recensie van bas maliepaard